Remote TestKit

Device Cloud for
Mobile App Testing

Install Remote TestKit Client app version (for windows)

The installer will automatically install the necessary dependencies.If older versions were installed previously, before installationthese will be automatically uninstalled.If the software isbeing uninstalled, all saved settings will be deleted.

  1. Double click the downloaded installer file and launch the installer.
    The installer file name will be different according to the version.

    If the SmartScreen Filter “WindowsProtected Your PC” message will be shown.Clicking the “MoreInfo” button, and then the “Run Anyway” buttonon the next screen, and the software will be installed asnormally.

  2. After that please proceed by following the instructionsof the installer.



  3. You can launch by selecting [Remote TestKit -> RemoteTestKit] from the start menu.

Download Remote TestKit Client app

Download for Windows(Free)