Remote TestKit

Device Cloud for
Mobile App Testing

2018/3/27 |

NTT Resonant Technology Remote TestKit Service Agreement

The Remote TestKit (Developer AppKitBox) service is subject to a different ”Service Agreement" depending on the country the user is accessing.
The following "1" ”Service Agreement" shall apply to customers accessing the Service from within Japan, and the following "2" ”Service Agreement" shall apply to customers accessing the Service from outside Japan.

Remote TestKit (Developers AppKitBox) サービスは、お客様がアクセスする国により適用される利用規約が異なります。

1. Remote TestKitサービス利用規約(日本国内アクセスユーザ向け)

2. Remote TestKit Service Agreement(For users accessing outside Japan)

Remote TestKitサービス利用規約(日本国内アクセスユーザ向け)

「Remote TestKit (Developers AppKitBox) サービス」(以下「本サービス」といいます)は、スマートフォン向けアプリケーション等の動作検証を、多種多様なスマートフォン端末にリモートでアクセスすることにより実施できる、エヌ・ティ・ティレゾナント・テクノロジー株式会社(以下「NTTレゾナント・テクノロジー」といいます)が提供するサービスです。本サービスの利用を希望するお客様は、本規約に同意し、本規約に従い本サービスの利用登録を行う必要があります。なお、無償プランについては、お客様は、本規約の同意をしていただくのみで、利用登録なく利用していただくことができます。




第1条 本規約で使用する用語の解釈については、本規約の他の各項で定めるほか、次の各号に定める定義に従うこととします。
NTTレゾナント・テクノロジーが提供する「Remote TestKit (Developers AppKitBox) サービスサイト」(URL:。なお、本サービスは、本サイト上で提供されます。


第2条 NTTレゾナント・テクノロジーは、本規約の変更が、以下のいずれかの要件を充足する場合には、個別にお客様と合意することなく、本規約を変更できるものとします。この場合、NTTレゾナント・テクノロジーは、NTTレゾナント・テクノロジーのウェブサイトへの掲載その他相当の方法により、予め周知するものとします。




第3条 本サービスの有償プランの利用を希望するお客様は、次のいずれかの申込方法により本サービスの利用を申込むものとします(なお、無償プランについては、お客様は、本規約の同意をしていただくのみで、申込みなく利用していただくことができます)。


第4条 NTTレゾナント・テクノロジーは、前条に基づく有償プランの利用申込があった場合、当該申込に対する承諾の可否について判断するものとします。NTTレゾナント・テクノロジーは、お客様が次の各号のいずれかに該当する場合は、当該申込を承諾しないことまたは申込の承諾を取り消すことができるものとします。


第5条 お客様は、本サービスの利用申込にあたって、必要な有償プランを選択するものとします(なお、無償プランについては、お客様は、本規約の同意をしていただくのみで利用していただくことができます)。
2. 有償プランの代金、有償プランの有効期間および一部有償プランにおけるチケットの消費単位(以下「消費単位」といいます)は、別途NTTレゾナント・テクノロジーが掲示する料金表(以下「料金表」といいます)に定めるものとします。
3. チケットは、検証端末ごと、かつ消費単位ごとに消費されるものとします。事由の如何を問わず、一検証端末において、お客様が本サービスを利用した実績が消費単位に満たない場合であっても、当該消費単位のチケットが全て消費されます。
5. お客様が利用できる有償プランの代金の支払方法(以下「決済手段」といいます)は、請求書による支払い、またはクレジットカードによる支払いのいずれかとします。ただし、請求書による支払いは、お客様が法人の場合に限ります。
6. お客様が請求書による支払いを選択した場合であって、かつ本サービスの有償プランに関する「プラン購入の流れ」説明画面(に定める条件を満たす場合、お客様は、NTTレゾナント・テクノロジーが有償プランの代金に係る債権を当該説明画面に定める第三者(以下「請求事業者」といいます)に譲渡することを承認するものとします。なお、当該債権の譲渡は、請求事業者による与信審査が完了した時点とします。
7. お客様が請求書による支払いを選択した場合で、前項に定める債権譲渡が行われたときは、請求事業者が定める銀行振込口座宛(銀行振込の場合)または受取人宛(コンビニ払込の場合)に、請求事業者が定める支払期日までに有償プランの代金を振込み支払うものとします。また、債権譲渡が行われなかったとき(請求事業者による与信が通らなかった場合を含みます)は、NTTレゾナント・テクノロジーが定める銀行振込口座宛に、NTTレゾナント・テクノロジーが定める支払期日までに有償プランの代金を振込み支払うものとします。なお、お客様が銀行振込により支払う場合の振込手数料は、お客様の負担とします。
8. クレジットカードによる支払いについては、お客様は決済手段の提供者が定める規約等(以下「決済規約」といいます)に従い必要なID等を取得するものとします。なお、決済手段の利用にあたっては決済規約が適用され、NTTレゾナント・テクノロジーは何ら責任を負わないものとします。
9. 関連法令の改正により消費税の税率に変更が生じた場合には、消費税等相当額は変更後の税率により計算するものとします。
10. お客様が、NTTレゾナント・テクノロジーまたは請求事業者が定める期限までにNTTレゾナント・テクノロジーが定める有償プランの代金を支払わなかった場合、お客様はNTTレゾナント・テクノロジーに対し、支払期限の翌日から年14.6パーセントの割合による遅延損害金を支払うものとします。


第6条 NTTレゾナント・テクノロジーは、本サービスにおいて、お客様の電子メールアドレス、会社名、部署名(登録任意)、役職(登録任意)、郵便番号、住所、電話番号、担当者名、請求者名(登録任意)、ユーザ名を取得し、このうちお客様の個人情報をNTTレゾナント・テクノロジーの「プライバシーポリシー」(の定めに従い取扱うものとし、「個人情報の取り扱い方針」(に定める個人情報の利用目的において利用できるものとします。なお、NTTレゾナント・テクノロジーは、無償プランにおいても、お客様のメールアドレスお客様の電子メールアドレス、会社名、部署名(登録任意)、役職(登録任意)、郵便番号、住所、電話番号、担当者名、請求者名(登録任意)、ユーザ名の個人情報を取得します。
(3)個人情報の保護に関する法律 (平成15年法律第57号)その他の法令により認められる場合


第7条 お客様は、本サービスを利用してお客様アプリの動作検証を実施する際に、当該お客様アプリ内に、本サービスの提供に悪影響を与えるとNTTレゾナント・テクノロジーが指定するプログラムコード(以下「疑義コード」といいます)が含まれていないかをNTTレゾナント・テクノロジーが機械的に検知すること、およびお客様アプリに疑義コードが含まれるとNTTレゾナント・テクノロジーが判断した場合、該当のお客様に対しては、本サービスを提供しないことに予め同意するものとします。


第8条 NTTレゾナント・テクノロジーは、お客様が次の各号の一つにでも該当する場合または該当する恐れがある場合、お客様に対して何らの催告・補償をすることなく本契約の全部または一部をただちに解除することができ、お客様に対しNTTレゾナント・テクノロジーが被った損害(NTTレゾナント・テクノロジーが第三者から求償された損害および弁護士費用を含み、以下同じ)の賠償を請求することができるものとします。


第9条 お客様は、自己の責任と負担により、本サービスを利用するために必要な機器、ソフトウェア、通信回線等の準備および通信料の負担を行うものとします。
3. お客様は、本サービスの利用にあたってお客様が「検証端末」(ただし、本項においてお客様のお手持ちの検証端末を除きます)に設定した情報、送受信したデータ(電子メール、画像、URLを含むがそれらに限定されません)、インストールしたソフトウェア(総称して、以下「データ等」といいます)を自己の責任で消去し、検証端末を利用開始前の状態に戻したうえで、検証端末の利用を終了するものとします。なお、お客様が本項に定める義務を怠ったことによりお客様または第三者に発生した損害について、NTTレゾナント・テクノロジーは、一切責任を負わないものとし、お客様は当該第三者に対して自己の責任と費用において対処するものとします
4. お客様は、本サービスに関連して、以下の各号に該当する、または該当する恐れのある行為(以下、総称して「禁止行為」といいます)をしてはなりません。


第10条 NTTレゾナント・テクノロジーは、本サービスの安定的な提供に努めますが、本サービスの提供に関して、お客様に対して、以下の各号に記載の事項について、何ら保証しません。


第11条 NTTレゾナント・テクノロジーは、お客様が以下の各号のいずれかに該当すると合理的に判断した場合には、お客様に対して何らの通知を要することなく、お客様に対する本サービスの全部または一部の提供を停止することができるものとします。なお、お客様が複数のサービスIDをご利用の場合は、そのすべてのIDに対して本サービスの提供を停止することができるものとします。


第12条 NTTレゾナント・テクノロジーは、最低10日間の予告期間をおいて、本サイトへの掲載、登録アドレスへの通知、その他NTTレゾナント・テクノロジーが適当と判断する方法でお客様に告知することにより、本サービスの全部または一部を終了できるものとします。この場合、NTTレゾナント・テクノロジーは、法令その他本契約において別途定める場合を除き、お客様に不利益または損害が発生したとしても、何ら責任を負わないものとします。


第13条 本規約は、日本法に準拠して解釈されるものとします。


3. NTTレゾナント・テクノロジーは、本サービスに関する事業を第三者に譲渡する場合、最低10日間の予告期間をおいて、本サイトへの掲載、登録アドレスへの通知、その他NTTレゾナント・テクノロジーが適当と判断する方法でお客様に告知することにより、本契約に基づくNTTレゾナント・テクノロジーのすべての権利および義務を承継、売却、合併その他の方法で譲渡することができるものとします。また、この場合において、お客様は、NTTレゾナント・テクノロジーがかかる権利および義務を譲渡する者に、お客様の登録情報を提供することならびにこれらに関する諸権利を譲渡することに予め同意するものとします。





2012年11月13日 制定

2013年04月19日 改定

2013年09月02日 改定

2014年03月27日 改定

2014年11月27日 改定

2015年10月29日 改定

2017年06月01日 改定

2017年12月18日 改定

2020年04月01日 改定



Remote TestKit Service Agreement(For users accessing outside Japan)

"Remote TestKit (Developers AppKitBox) Service" ("Service") is a service provided by NTT Resonant Technology Inc. (“NTT Resonant Technology”) that allows app developers to test and verify how their applications will work on different types of smartphones via remote access. Customers who wish to use this Service must agree to the Terms and Conditions set forth in this Agreement and register to use the Service in accordance with this Agreement. (Customers may use the free plan by agreeing to the Terms and Conditions set forth in this Agreement, without registering to use the Service.)
This Service is not available in the European Economic Area (EEA) or the United Kingdom. This Service is not intended to be provided to Quebec in Canada by NTT Resonant Technology.

The Terms and Conditions are applied to the Service. NTT Resonant Technology provides the Terms of Use of the Service (“Terms of Use”) on the Site (defined in Article 1), which constitutes a part of the Terms and Conditions. When there is any inconsistency between the Terms and Conditions and the Terms of Use, the Terms of Use shall have priority.

Article 1: Definition of Terms

When used in this Agreement, the following terms shall have the meaning provided below or in other paragraph of the Terms and Conditions.
(1) "Agreement"
Agreement established between NTT Resonant Technology and the Customer as set forth in this Terms and Conditions and the Terms of Use (including the "price list" referred to in paragraph 2 of Article 5).
(2) "Customer"
An individual who, or legal entity that, uses or wishes to use the Service.
(3) "Equipment"
The telecommunications facilities and other facilities that will be used by NTT Resonant Technology to provide the Service.
(4) "Software"
The software provided by NTT Resonant Technology for its Customers to use this Service.
(5) "Site"
The web site provided by NTT Resonant Technology at URL:, through which NTT Resonant Technology provides the Service.
(6) “Customer’s Application“
The application that a Customer tests and verifies using this Service to determine whether the app will work on different types of smartphones, in different environments and with different operating systems.
(7) "Plan"
A type of Service that a Customer may use for a fee or without charge. The Plans which may be purchased include "Ticket" which is an electronic certificate purchased by Customers to use the Service for each Verification Terminal.
(8) “Verification Terminal”
The smartphone terminal prepared by NTT Resonant Technology in the data center to be used by Customers for verification of the operation of the Customer’s Application in the Service, and the Customer’s own smartphone terminal to be used by the Customer in some Plans.
(9) “Intellectual Property Rights”
A general term for rights including patent right, utility model right, design right, trademark right, copyright, portrait right, privacy right and publicity right.
(10) “Personal Information”
The “personal information” stipulated in the Article 2 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (Act No. 57 of 2003) or personal information or Personal Identifiable Information or personal data as defined in applicable personal information laws in the relevant jurisdiction and such personal information of the deceased for which the same stipulation is applied.

Article 2: Changes to the Terms

NTT Resonant Technology may amend the Agreement without a separate agreement with Customers if the amendment meets either of the following requirements, in which case NTT Resonant Technology shall communicate the amendment to Customers in advance by announcing it on its website or in any other reasonable manner:
(1) The amendment is in the general interests of Customers.
(2) The amendment is not in conflict with the purpose for which the Agreement has been entered into and is reasonable in view of the need to make the amendment, the reasonableness of the amended parts, and any other circumstances surrounding the amendment.

Article 3: Application Form

1. Customers who wish to use the fee Plan of the Service must apply for the use of the Service through one of the following methods. (Customers may use a free Plan by agreeing to the Terms and Conditions, without registering to use the Service.)
(1) Customers (corporations or individuals) install the Software on the terminal to use the fee Plan, agree to the Terms and Conditions displayed on installation of the Software, and register the necessary information designated by NTT Resonant Technology (“Registration Information”).
(2) Customers (corporations or individuals) agree to the Terms and Conditions and register the Registration Information (including the Customer's password) when making registrations to the fee Plan on the web browser. The Customer acknowledge that the Customer’s password is instantly hashed by the program when making registrations on the web browser, and that NTT Resonant Technology cannot view the Customer's password and cannot hold it, and after agreeing on that, Customer shall register the Registration Information (including the Customer's password) on the web browser.
(3) Customers (corporations only) enter the Registration Information in the application form separately specified by NTT Resonant Technology (“Application Form”), affix the corporate seal or a representative’s seal to it, and submit it to the agency specified by NTT Resonant Technology.
2. Customers below the age of majority in their jurisdiction of residence may only use the Service with the consent of a parent or legal guardian.

Article 4: Acceptance/Rejection of Applications

1. NTT Resonant Technology reserves the right to accept or reject, or cancel, at its sole discretion, any application to use the fee Plan which has been made in accordance with the procedure in the preceding Article. The application may be denied, at NTT Resonant Technology’s sole discretion, for any one or more of the following reasons:
(1) If the Service is cancelled, discontinued or suspended based on Article 11, paragraph 1 or if the Agreement is terminated pursuant to Article 8.
(2) If the Customer is found to be, or possibly be, negligent in the performance of obligations to NTT Resonant Technology (including obligations other than those based on the Agreement).
(3) If the credit of the Customer is not confirmed with regard to payment for the fee Plan, as a result of the inquiry to the credit information agency or credit card company.
(4) If the Customer provides false or misleading information to NTT Resonant Technology.
(5) If the provision of the service to the Customer provided by NTT Resonant Technology or its partner company has been suspended or the contract for service has been cancelled.
(6) If the Customer has violated or may have violated any provision of a service agreement provided by NTT Resonant Technology or its partner company.
(7) If the business of NTT Resonant Technology or its partner company is significantly disturbed.
(8) If the Customer is a minor and is found not to have obtained the consent of his/her parent or legal guardian.
(9)If NTT Resonant Technology has reasonably determined that the Customer is inappropriate for any reason.
(10) If the Customer who has applied for the Service is found to access the Service from any of the areas in which the Service is not provided by NTT Resonant Technology (i.e. Quebec in Canada; EEA; or the United Kingdom).
2. If NTT Resonant Technology accepts the Customer’s application for fee Plan, NTT Resonant Technology will send the Customer an email with the information that is required to use the fee Plan, to the email address included in the Registration Information of the Customer (“Registered E-mail Address”). Upon registration on the Service, registration for the fee Plan is completed.
3. NTT Resonant Technology does not assume responsibility for any failures in the delivery of any notices due to incorrect Registered E-mail Address or other similar reasons.
4. The Customer may not transfer, assign, or lend the qualification to use the fee Plan acquired based on this Article and the rights and obligations based on the Terms and Conditions to any third party, or convert the same into money or offer as collateral, unless NTT Resonant Technology provides prior consent in writing.

Article 5: Plan

1. If a Customer wishes to apply for the use of the Service, the Customer shall select the required fee Plan. (Customers may use the free Plan by agreeing to the Terms and Conditions.)
2. The price and the effective term of the fee Plan and units of consumption of Tickets in certain fee Plan (“Consumption Unit”) will be provided in the Price List posted by NTT Resonant Technology separately.
3. Tickets are consumed per Verification Terminal and at Consumption Unit. Regardless of whatever the reason is, even if the Customer does not use up the value of the Tickets of the entire unit defined for the Consumption Unit, that Consumption Unit will be considered to be fully consumed for each Verification Terminal.
4. Unless otherwise specified by the laws and regulations or any provision of the Agreement, NTT Resonant Technology will not refund the price of the fee Plan applied by the Customer, and is not responsible for anything related to the fee Plan, such as changing the validity period, etc.
5. The Customer may make payments for the fee Plan by credit card (“Payment Method”).
6. For payment by credit card, the Customer shall acquire the necessary ID, etc. in accordance with the rules specified by the provider of the Payment Method (“Payment Rules”). The Payment Rules shall be applied to the use of Payment Method, and NTT Resonant Technology will take no responsibility in this regard.
7. The Customer shall fully perform applicable tax obligations, if any, under the applicable laws.
8. When the applicable tax rate is changed due to the revision of related laws and regulations, the amount equivalent to the tax shall be calculated based on the changed tax rate if any tax shall be imposed to the customer.
9. If the Customer does not pay the price for fee Plan specified by NTT Resonant Technology by the payment date specified by NTT Resonant Technology or Billing Company, the Customer shall pay NTT Resonant Technology the delinquent charges at an annual rate of 6% from the following date of the payment date.

Article 6: Treatment of Personal Information

1. NTT Resonant Technology shall handle the Customer’s Personal Information such as Registration Information in accordance with the privacy policy of NTT Resonant Technology at, and may use the information for the purposes set down in the Policy on handling of personally identifiable information at。
2. The Service does not and does not wish to collect children’s personal information. If an activity potentially allows a child to insert Personal Information through use of the Service, Customers shall comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) 15 U.S.C. 6501 et seq. of the United States or similar laws including notify a parent or legal guardian and securing consent from a parent or legal guardian prior to such collection.
3. The service does not and does not wish to collect protected medical or health information. If an activity potentially allows collection of protected health information through use of the service, Customers shall comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), Pub. L. 104-191 of the United States or similar laws including notification and securing consent from individuals of the protected health information prior to such collection.
4. NTT Resonant Technology may collect the Customer’s Personal Information such as e-mail address, company name, department, zip code, address, phone number, contact person's name, user name, password for the Service.
5. NTT Resonant Technology will collect, store and process the Customer’s Personal Information to perform the Service and to benefit from its rights under this Agreement, to comply with applicable laws and regulations and to pursue its legitimate business interests. The Customer acknowledges that NTT Resonant Technology is permitted, as a matter of law, to collect, store and process his/her Personal Information for the above purposes. In any event, by accepting this Agreement, the Customer hereby gives its consent to NTT Resonant Technology collecting, storing, processing, using, disclosing and publishing the Customer’s Personal Information as set out in this Agreement.
6. Unless otherwise provided by law, the Personal Information will be stored to the extent necessary to perform the Service (and to the extent necessary to contact the Customer about the Service notwithstanding the termination of the Service by the Customer).
7. The Customer’s Personal Information shall be exclusively used by NTT Resonant Technology’s authorized employees, consultants and advisors.
8. NTT Resonant Technology may provide the Customer’s personally identifiable information to a third party in any of the following cases:
(1) When NTT Resonant Technology needs to disclose the Customer’s personally identifiable information to financial institutions, credit card companies, Billing Company or any other payment companies so that the Customer may make payments to NTT Resonant Technology.
(2) When it is necessary for NTT Resonant Technology to execute its rights.
(3)When it is permitted by the applicable laws and regulations.
9. For the purpose of the Service, NTT may send advertisements to the Customer by e-mail or post the same on this Site for the publicity of NTT Resonant Technology or a third party, and the Customer shall consent to the same, but may unsubscribe at any time by submitting form
(unless the e-mail is related directly to the Customer’s use of the Service).10. The Customer shall consent to the collection and use by NTT Resonant Technology or its partner company of the information on the Customer’s status of use of the Service (information which is not personally identifiable, including but not limited to, that on the Equipment and environment to use the Service, usage time, function used or other information on use,) for the purposes specified in the Policy on handling of Personal Information at
11. NTTR shall not process Personal Information of third
parties, such as Personal Information processed by the Customer. To that effect, the Customer is forbidden to record or upload personal data in the Customer’s Application and the Customer shall not communicate Personal Information of third parties to NTTR. If the Customer wants to test the Customer’s Application with personal data, she/he should use his/her own personal data to do so.

Article 7: Detection of Malicious Code

1. The Customer consents to NTT Resonant Technology’s evaluation and monitoring of any Customer Application using the Service to identify any program code which is specified by NTT Resonant Technology as a possible threat to the Service (“Doubtful Code”). If NTT Resonant Technology identifies any Doubtful Code, NTT Resonant Technology reserves the right at its sole discretion to terminate the Service for that Customer.
2. NTT Resonant Technology does not guarantee the reliability or validity of the detection and presence or absence of Doubtful Code, and has no responsibility in the case that the Service becomes unavailable to the Customer in relation to the preceding paragraph.

Article 8. Termination of Service

NTT Resonant Technology may terminate the Agreement, in whole or in part, for any one or more of the reasons identified below, at its sole discretion and without notice or compensation. NTT Resonant Technology shall have the right to claim for compensation for damages caused to NTT Resonant Technology (including claims from a third party and attorney’s fees; the same shall apply hereinafter).
(1) Late payment of a fee Plan.
(2) If the Customer cannot be located or contacted.
(3) If the Customer is a corporation and any of the following occurs:
a) The Customer is in provisional seizure, foreclosure, auction, bankruptcy proceedings, civil rehabilitation proceedings, corporate reorganization proceedings, or commencement of special liquidation has been made.
b) The Customer received a suspension of trading from a clearing house, or is in any other condition of suspension of payment, or is subjected to non-payment of taxes or public dues disposal.
c) The Customer’s board member, auditor, president or any others that are in a position to manage the company or employee (including temporary worker; “Employees”) are arrested or charged with illegal actions in connection with their use of the Service.
d) The Customer or employees of the Customer are affiliated with gangs, gangsters, gangster related companies, extortion, social movements advocating unrest, unrest advocating political activities such as special intelligence groups, or if it is found that the Customer promotes any activities of an anti-social nature contributing to the operation of anti-social forces, or the Customer has made any violent, coercive or unjustified demand.
e) The Customer has no corporate personality, except the case when NTT Resonant Technology accepts the fact in advance.
(4) If NTT Resonant Technology determines that the intent for using the Service is to collect a competitive intelligence regarding the Service or the business of NTT Resonant Technology, or to infringe NTT Resonant Technology’s Intellectual Property Rights, or to steal the Service or other NTT Resonant Technology business assets.
(5) If the Customer interferes with or interrupts the operation of the Service.
(6) If NTT Resonant Technology has determined that the Customer has provided false or incorrect information in the Registration Information.
(7) If NTT Resonant Technology determines that the Customer will somehow be malicious in conducting its business.
(8) If the Customer violates the laws, regulations or common respected practices regarding use of the internet and internet services.
(9) If the Service is used for any purpose other than for verifying the Customer’s Application on the Verification Terminal.
(10) If there is a violation of this Agreement.
(11) If there is a suspension of the Service pursuant to Paragraph 1 or Paragraph 2 of Article 11, and the issues are not resolved to NTT Resonant Technology’s satisfaction, at its sole discretion.
(12) If there is a violation of “Prohibited Activities” given on the installation screen of the Software or the Application Form.
(13) Any other reason that NTT Resonant Technology has reasonably determined that the Customer is inappropriate.

Article 9: Obligations of the Customer

1. The Customer will have sole responsibility for the equipment, software, communication lines, internet connection fee and anything else that is required in order to use the Service.
2. The Customer shall be solely responsible for using the Service or the Customer’s application, and shall handle any claims or complaints against NTT Resonant Technology and its affiliates at the Customer’s own expense and responsibility, and indemnify NTT Resonant Technology and compensate any losses (including attorney’s fees).
3. The Customer shall end the use of the Verification Terminal (excluding Customer’s verification terminal in this Paragraph)by returning the same to its original condition, deleting Customer information, data received and sent (including but not limited to e-mail, images and URL), and the software installed using the Service (collectively “Data, etc.”) on the Customer’s own responsibility. NTT Resonant Technology will take no responsibility for damage caused to the Customer or any third party due to Customer’s negligence of the obligations set down herein. The Customer shall settle the issue with the relevant third party at its own responsibility and expense.
4. The Customer shall not conduct any act which falls under or may fall under any of the following (collectively, “Prohibited Acts”) in relation to the use of the Service or in relation to the test, verification or development of the applications via the Service.
(1) Acts contrary to the laws and regulations or public order and morals, or any other acts violating the rules generally observed on the Internet.
(2) Acts which cause disadvantage, trouble or damage to NTT Resonant Technology or any third party.
(3) Re-offering the Service to a third party regardless of whether it is free of charge or for a fee.
(4) Acts which slander, insult or discriminate against NTT Resonant Technology or any third party, damaging the moral interests such as honor, credit or privacy, or any acts which recommend, solicit, help, encourage or abet such acts.
(5) Acts which infringe on the Intellectual Property Rights of NTT Resonant Technology or any third party.
(6) Criminal acts, including without limitation, murder, terrorism, abuse, injury, assault, threat, theft, robbery or sexual misconduct, or any acts which recommend, solicit, help, encourage or abet acts falling under suicide, self-injury, delinquency or running away from home.
(7) The Customer agrees to comply with all applicable import, re-import, sanctions, anti-boycott, export, and re-export control laws and regulations.
(8) The Customer represents and warrants that the Customer and the Customer’s financial institutions are not subject to sanctions or otherwise prohibited or restricted by applicable government authorities.
(9) Misrepresentation of oneself, no matter whether the Customer is a legal entity or individual, providing false or misleading information, giving false recognition of products or services of specific vendors as superior, or slandering or criticizing the products or services of specific vendors to decrease their credibility.
(10) Acts which violate the applicable laws and regulations on election activities.
(11) Acts corresponding to those by antisocial forces (gang groups, companies related to gang groups, racketeering groups, political racketeering groups, or any other groups or individuals that use violence, power or fraud to gain economic benefit, or those equivalent thereto; the same shall apply hereinafter) or crime syndicates, illegal gambling, use of illegal drugs (including abuse or improper use of illicit drugs or other drugs, or acts equivalent thereto), illegal pyramid schemes, illegal network businesses, illegal multilevel merchandising, illegal businesses, scams, counterfeiting of official documents, production or trade of illegal weapons, arms, explosives and combustibles including firearms, guns and bombs, or creation of or trading in illegal goods or data, or any acts which recommend, solicit, give favors, help, encourage or abet such acts.
(12) Acts for the purpose of dating, encountering or having intercourse with a person of the same or different sex; eliciting, sending, or receiving of personal information for immoral purposes, or acts related to adult entertainment, prostitution, obscene acts, contents related to pornography, child pornography, child abuse, animal abuse, or cruel contents; or any acts which recommend, solicit, give favors, help, encourage or abet such acts.
(13) Illegal access, cracking, attacking, jamming communication, wiretapping communication of the computers, website or telecommunications equipment operated by NTT Resonant Technology or any third party, or using the Service in a manner that interferes with the Equipment or the computers, website or telecommunications equipment operated by NTT Resonant Technology or a third party, or posting information encouraging such acts.
(14) Unauthorized use or misappropriation of the service ID or password, or using the Service impersonating another person.
(15) Collecting, copying, falsification or erasure of information of a third party accessible from the Service in a manner beyond the use form assumed for the Service.
(16) Providing computer programs such as computer viruses or file sharing software which interferes with or damages the business of NTT Resonant Technology or a third party.
(17) Acts intending to operate the order of the search results of search engine or search tool.
(18) Unless permitted by NTT Resonant Technology, making advertisements or soliciting a third party using the Service whether or not for commercial purposes, or sending or posting messages or content (including but not limited to specified electronic mail and spam) such as e-mails which disgust the receivers.
(19) Act of sending an uninvited message prohibited by the applicable laws and regulations (including, without limitation, US Telemarketing Sales Rule (TSR), Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) 47 U.S.C. ))
(20) Illegal investigation, collection, use, disclosure or provision of Personal Information or privacy information without the explicit consent of the person.
(21) Acts causing an excessive burden of interfering with the operation of the Service.
(22) Analyzing, disassembling, decompiling or reverse engineering the program or application contained in the Service, or deciphering the source code with any other method.
(23) Using the Service for any purpose other than those intended for the Service.
(24) Any other acts that NTT Resonant Technology has reasonably considers inappropriate.

Article 10: Disclaimers

Although NTT Resonant Technology makes efforts to provide the Service in a stable manner, NTT Resonant Technology does not guarantee the Customer any of the following unless prohibited by law:
(1) The contents and quality of the Service, including its reliability, legality, accuracy and adequacy.
(2) The Service is free from defect and is provided in a timely manner.
(3) The Service is fit for the Customer’s particular purpose, use or situation, and the operation is uninterrupted and is free from error, and the Service will not adversely affect the equipment used by the Customer (including the Customer’s Verification Terminal) and the software, data and application installed on the equipment.
(4) There are no security faults in the Service, and the Customer will not suffer a computer virus or any external attack, and the information sent or received through the Service will not be leaked, lost or falsified.
(5) The Service does not infringe on the Intellectual Property Rights, etc. of any third party.
(6) The Service is always available.
(7) The Service will not be suspended or terminated.

Article 11: Suspension of Service

1. NTT Resonant Technology reserves the right to cancel or suspend the whole or a part of the Service for any Customer, with or without notice and at NTT Resonant Technology’s sole discretion, if NTT Resonant Technology reasonably believes that any of the following violations has been committed. If the Customer uses more than one Service ID, NTT Resonant Technology may suspend the Service with respect to all such IDs.
(1) The Customer uses the Service in a manner that causes problems for the Service.
(2) The Customer does not pay the price for a fee Plan in a timely manner.
(3) The use of payment method of the Customer has been suspended, or NTT Resonant Technology recognizes credit risk of the Customer.
(4) The Service ID of the Customer has been revoked.
(5) The Customer has conducted any Prohibited Act, or breaches any provision of the Terms and Conditions or this Agreement.
2. In addition to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, NTT Resonant Technology may temporarily stop providing all or part of the Service under any of the following circumstances:
(1) In the event of a disaster where there is an urgent need to suspend the Service for various reasons (such as: disaster prevention, disaster relief, ensuring traffic, communication or the supply of power, communication for maintenance of order, or any other public benefit).
(2) In the event of emergencies (such as: war, riots, unrest, labor disputes, earthquake, volcanic eruption, flood, tsunami, fire, power failure, or any other case where NTT Resonant Technology deems it difficult to provide the Service).
(3) If there is maintenance or construction needed for the Equipment.
(4) If a license agreement with the source of the Software or any other program related to the operation of the Service has expired.
(5) If NTT Resonant Technology reasonably recognizes any other issues that would be detrimental to the provision of the Service.

3. To the extent that it is able to do so, NTT Resonant Technology will provide notice of any cessation of part or all of the Services, by posting on this Site, or in a way that NTT Resonant Technology deems appropriate. Notice will not be given in the event of emergencies.

Article 12: End of Service

NTT Resonant Technology may terminate the whole or part of the Service by giving notice to the Customer through posting on the Site, sending e-mail to the Registered E-mail Address or any other method that NTT Resonant Technology deems appropriate, at least 10 days in advance. Unless otherwise specified by the Agreement or prohibited by the laws and regulations, NTT Resonant Technology assumes no responsibility for any disadvantage or damage occurred to the Customer due to termination of the Service.

Article 13. Amendment of These Terms and Conditions
NTT Resonant Technology may amend these Terms and Conditions without reaching an agreement with individual Customers, if the amendment of these Terms and Conditions satisfies any of the following requirements. In this case, NTT Resonant Technology shall notify Customers in advance by posting a notification on its website or by any other reasonable means.
(1) Where the amendment conforms with the interests of general Customers.
(2) Where the amendment is not contrary to the purpose of executing the Agreement and is reasonable in light of the necessity for amendment, the reasonableness of the amended content, and other circumstances of the amendment.

Article 14: Miscellaneous Provisions

1. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of Japan.
2. All disputes, controversies or differences which may arise between NTT Resonant Technology and the Customer, out of or in relation to or in connection with this Agreement or the use of the Service shall be finally settled by arbitration in Tokyo, Japan in accordance with the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the Japan Commercial Arbitration Association. The place of hearings shall be Tokyo, Japan. The language of the arbitration shall be Japanese. The number of arbitrator shall be one.
3. At such time as NTT Resonant Technology is to hand over or sell the business related to the Service to a third party, NTT Resonant Technology may transfer all rights and obligations based on the Agreement by selling, merging (M&A) or through assignment, notifying the Customer by sending e-mail to the Registered E-mail Address, by posting on the Site, or by other means NTT Resonant Technology deems appropriate, at least 10 days in advance. The Customer consents to the transfer of the Customer’s Registration Information and all rights related to the information to the successor, buyer or assignee.
4. If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is determined to be violating the laws, such provision shall be construed based, to the extent possible, on the remainder of these Terms and Conditions, reflecting NTT Resonant Technology’s intention.
5. If any provision or these Terms and Conditions are held to be invalid or unenforceable, the valid and enforceable part of the provision and the remainder of these Terms and Conditions shall remain valid and enforceable.
6. If NTT Resonant Technology waives the right, regardless of whether explicitly or implicitly, with regard to the Customer’s violation of the Agreement, it shall not mean the waiver of rights with regard to the Customer’s violation of the Agreement in the future.
7. The customer consents that any claim or cause of action arising out of or related to use of the Service must be filed within one (1) year after such claim or cause of action arises, and no action may be made after the one-year period.
8. NTT Resonant Technology shall be discharged from default liability or tort liability unless such liability is caused by its willful intent or gross negligence. However, if this Agreement falls into the category of a consumer contract as defined in the Consumer Contract Act (Act No. 61 of 2000), NTT Resonant Technology shall only be liable for actual, ordinary, and direct damages sustained by the Customer (excluding special damages, loss of profits, and damage to, loss of, or loss of use of data, irrespective of whether they are foreseeable or not) unless NTT Resonant Technology is liable for default or tortuous conduct caused by its willful intent or gross negligence. If the Customer uses the fee Plan, NTT Resonant Technology shall compensate the Customer up to the total price for the fee Plan paid by the Customer to NTT Resonant Technology in the past month unless NTT Resonant Technology is liable for default or tortuous conduct caused by its willful intent or gross negligence.

Revised on April 1st, 2018

Revised on April 1st, 2020

Revised on March 19th, 2022

Revised on July 1st, 2023

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